Piper Paper

Piper loves to lay on the daily paperwork that flows from my fax. Sometimes it lands on top of her and she uses the temporary cover to meditate on cat things…

Categorized as Piper

Piper Scare

Piper insisted on being outside yesterday because it was a beautiful day. I knew I would be gone longer than normal so I left food and water out for her. When I got home, she bypassed the gravy food I’d set out and went straight to bed. I just figured she’d had a full day and was pooped.

She stayed there all evening which is unusual as she normally comes to my office for some playtime. She was in her bed (which sits at the foot of my bed) when I retired. I woke up in the middle of the night and scrunched down to her, falling back asleep with my hand on her butt.

She didn’t get up with me and then I knew something was wrong. I had to get to work but I returned early morning to check on her. She was still in bed so I carried her to her food but she just walked on by and plopped down on the family room floor.

You know, it’s an interesting thing that I refuse to spend a dime on my own health care but I didn’t hesitate a second scooping her up and taking her to the vet hospital. I dropped her off and then continued my route.

The vet called and said she had a temperature of 105 and he wanted to do blood work. I spent all afternoon fearing the worst with tears welling up occasionally and I realized how much I care for my baby cat! She’s been my partner these last few months, bonding together night after snowy night.

I got the diagnosis at the end of the day: blood looked good! She has a bladder infection and after antibiotic and steroid injections the prognosis is good and the vet said she should be returning to normal. She’s in bed now. I’ll be giving her some oral stuff twice a day for a while. I am very relieved to say the least.

But what caused it? I think I may have figured it out! When I brought her food and water in I noticed the water looked funky, kind of dirty and oily and I thought what the hell! Some animal had messed with her water, and I think it was a bird. Because she was out there longer then normal she was thirsty and drank her water anyway.

Lesson learned. The birds don’t have my sympathy this summer. I have a cat.

And a gun…

Next morning update: She’s much better, wants to go outside (I’m not letting her…) and unhappy with me for squirting pink stuff down her throat with an eyedropper :-)

Friday update: She’s relapsed and I took her back for blood work. She got a big shot of stronger antibiotics, and got hydrated. Back tomorrow morning. The vet also scrapped my bird theory saying cats eat birds and there’s nothing there to harm them. Which means she has something viral going on.

She’s sleeping soundly in her bed, on the floor, because Steph is finally coming to bed, tonight.

Categorized as Piper

Playing With Piper

I’ve been enhancing my HotNewPins app, doing laundry, and playing with Piper today.

This video I just shot seems to sum it all up: Computer background noise, dryer clacking around, and Pipers teeth grabbing the playtoy balls.

The crayon art in the video is from a couple of my guys from the gang. Better than mangling company paperwork I suppose…

Categorized as Piper


Piper is not a vocal cat but I’ve noticed that when I give her the morning gravy fix (she doesn’t eat the food but loves to lick the gravy) she lets out this little moew of anticipation. I decided to try and capture it this morning:

It’s really soft and hard to hear so I isolated and amplified it a bit:

On another note: I went into the veterinary clinic today, where Piper used to go. After they made a quick call to Megan to confirm I really was Pipers new owner, I filled out some paperwork and she is now officially mine. We’re getting her vaccinations up to date in a couple of weeks, and now I know her age. 6 years old!

Categorized as Piper

My Cat

How is it that an animal can give themselves totally to you? There is something going on here that we humans don’t understand. Piper appeared like magic on my deck months ago and I chased her off, but she said no. She’s now my girl!

Cats really need a home they can own. They want no competition from other animals. They need a lot of heat in the winter. They need to hunt, whether it’s a hand under the covers, or a naive bird in the yard.

I let Piper out onto the driveway today and she gave me a mangled dead bird as a result.

She may be an overweight kitty that sleeps and eats too much, but she managed to grab a bird in a land covered in snow, rip it’s head off, and present the parts for my approval.

I’m so proud!

Categorized as Piper

Door Pull

I try to keep the bedroom door closed down to an inch so Piper can come and go. During the night she gets up a couple of times to do her thing, leaving the door open.

The floor heater makes this the warmest room in the house but it cools off quickly with the door wide open. So, when she comes back to bed I have to get up and close the door…

No more getting out of bed now, with my new contraption!

This is a cheap rope attached to the back side of the door:

The rope runs along the floor to the door frame.
This is a velcro holder I made, reinforced with duct tape, which guides the rope over to my bed.
Now, when I need to close the door, I just pull the rope. :-)

A.M. Update: Worked great on two Piper forages out of the bedroom last night! I was able to pull the door closed, but not so much that she couldn’t get back in. Pleased :-)

SlideShow (Door Pull)
Categorized as House, Piper

Combo Toy

I was playing with Piper tonight and her three main toys got tangled up. My neurological damage prohibited me from untangling them, so I just created one toy.

She likes it!

SlideShow (Combo Toy)
Categorized as Piper


I was going to put Piper in Lucy and drive around for awhile today. I’ve never driven her anywhere yet and thought this would be a good day. Then I opened my office blinds…

Then I opened the kitchen window blinds…
Then I opened the garage door…

Piper just went back to bed and I’m making myself a cocktail…

SlideShow (Encamped)

Categorized as House, Piper

Piper Ocean

It’s Saturday, I’m hunkering down and I lifted the Piper off her warm bed and dumped her fluffy butt out into the driveway. She likes it: Here!

Categorized as House, Piper


This is my new nickname for Piper. It’s weird how nicknames evolve, it’s just what I started calling her. Here’s a cute little Video I shot yesterday while soaking up rays.

Site work: Added a new category called Utilities on the right and moved the new stuff down there off the Menu. Also added a Calendar to the site. Now off to make Adobo and maybe attend a Super Bowl party!

Categorized as Piper


My inner body temperature is really cold. I’m trying to keep the air around me somewhat warm without driving me into debt, but it’s hard. The temp outside is 9 degrees now. We warmed up to 30 midday and Piper and I hung out for a while in the garage enjoying the sun, but it’s plunging downward. I better turn the water on…

I can’t keep the house warm without burning through a ton of propane so I hunker down in my office with the electric space heater. I warm the house up for a bit with the Rinnai, but as soon as I turn it off, frigid!

Piper hangs out and plays with me here in the office for a while, but she soon bails for the bedroom where I keep the floor heater and the electric blanket running.

I remember a summer back in the seventies where I spent two weeks in Mexico and then two weeks in Hawaii, back to back. My inner core was very warm, skin was brown.

One day I was hitching out of Georgia, trying to get back to California, and this nerdy older guy picked me up driving a brand new Cadillac. As we’re cruising through the countryside he decides to pass another car.

Not good, he wasn’t using the right gear to do it, so I reached over and snapped his shift lever into what I’d noticed was a passing gear. Saved both our lives! He then pulled over, confessed he was a terrible driver, and asked me to take over.

I did. Driving has always been my thing. I know I have well over a million miles under my belt by now, approaching two!

We were heading to Houston and along the way we stopped at a Mexican restaurant for lunch. He bought because I didn’t have a dime in my pocket. Really…

Then he told me his story. He was a rocket scientist, recently hired by NASA, given a rental car and summoned to Houston. Over lunch he drew a diagram on a napkin illustrating how NASA planned to put a man on the moon. This guy was going to be part of the project! It still gives me a chill and I really wish I’d kept the napkin.

That was a good chill, this one sucks…

Categorized as Piper, Travels

Cave Play

Piper has access to my cave whenever she want’s it, all she has to do is knock at the door. Sometimes it’s hectic in here: toys get used, daddy gets scratched, photos are taken…

Categorized as Piper

Toy Inventory

Much to Pipers dismay, I slung her toys over our chandelier for a quick photo shoot.

From left to right:
 • Her newest fluttery feather toy, still has the strings separate.
 • These little guys used to be separate toys, but have now entangled into one.
 • The original feather toy, well used and mangled.
 • A new, very soft little feather toy.

I had all four toys going today in my office. I felt like a puppeteer as each one was snagged by a claw while she laid on her back with her wild eyes open wide…

Update: Shot this quick little video while playing with her this morning!

Categorized as Piper

Nap Time

The girls were sleeping in the middle of the day and I just had to capture the moment…

SlideShow (Nap Time)
Categorized as House, Piper

Piper Space

We have a lot of well built doors in our house. Quality wood, great frames. When we close the doors now, we leave a one inch crack called the Piper Space.

Our cat Piper has a strong arm. She can throw the doors wide open with a single swipe. Tonight I saw our bedroom door open and yelled to Steph, Pipers gone to bed!

I then restored the door to one inch.

Before the snow came she could open the family room screen door, exiting out to the deck, and go outside when she wished. Never could teach her to close it though…

Categorized as Piper