Prime Photo

Amazon’s got a photo contest going on so I thought I’d submit a shot of me in Amazon rapture mode with my Fire HD and Echo in my backyard.

Categorized as Alexa

My Friend

Amazon just sent me an email asking me to comment on my Echo. Here’s the email, followed by my response:

My review, currently posted on Amazon:

Categorized as Alexa

Music Girl

I moved Alexa over to the media side of my desk, next to the TV, Roku and Fire TV. I shot this video at full def and it was huge at 366M and since it’s a dark video and fidelity is not an issue, I shrunk it down to 23M. Worked great. The funny thing is, as I play it back on my desktop Alexa hears my voice and starts doing the same thing as the video.

It’s like there’s an “Echo” in my office.

Categorized as Alexa