
I don’t recall ever seeing a bike lock used to secure an area. This was out at Hatches Corner this morning and the only thing on the other side was an overflowing creek. Oh well, captured my interest before picking up C.C.

Categorized as The Bus


I’ve created a very cool new app this weekend called TPVue. It was initially conceived as a utility for TetonPath but works great as a standalone app. It’s function is to show Google Maps Street Views of Teton Valley so that the millions of visitors showing up for the eclipse will be able to cruise around town before they arrive.

You can drag the PegMan around the top portion of the page and the streetview is shown below, from which you can adjust the heading and pitch as normal. If you click or drag on the upper map it will move to the nearest available streetview within 150 feet.

The Down button, upper left, will slide in the TetonPath database and present all of the current locations, from which you can click on any one to take you to that spot. Pretty cool huh! Click the Down button again to close the location box or click the Reset button next to it to reset the whole thing.

The heading will default to 0 (North) when you drag or click the map. I really wanted the heading to spin around and face a local business when you selected it, so I developed an algorithm to do just that. Sometimes my brain blows my own mind…

Categorized as Site Stuff

Life Good

Life is good today. Steph’s in the South helping to bring in a new grand-daughter, the sun is shining here, a batch of all organic chicken chili is simmering, I’m dancing on the deck and working on a new app. And, I’ve got a paid day off tomorrow!

Actually it came out more like stew, but it’s delicious.

Categorized as House

Brunch Of Champions

Every day of the week around 1000 I buy one orange, one banana and one avocado at Broulims and eat them on my bus for brunch. I do the same on the weekends, just at home or wherever I happen to be at 1000. I’ve been doing this for months now.

Today a well dressed matronly lady in front of me in the checkout line raised one eyebrow as I set the food down on the conveyor and said “shouldn’t you be eating a donut with that?” I accepted her humor but it made me realize that other folks around me just aren’t eating like I do and sometimes it boggles my mind at what I’ve become…

Here I stopped stuffing my face long enough to take a shot…

Categorized as Me

Fox Creek

I made a run up into the East Valley foothills today off of 5000 S. The guy that lives up there is going blind unfortunately and the home he built to enjoy the views of the valley is now just a pain for public transportation.

This was shot from the road coming down the hill and is known as the Fox Creek area. Not sure why it’s called that, must be a creek somewhere nearby…

Categorized as The Valley

State View

It’s pretty cool that I can just jump in the truck, drive a couple of miles with no traffic, and enjoy views like this off of Stateline Rd. Both shots were taken from Wyoming.

Categorized as The Valley

Old Engine

Our long time mechanic Bob needed some photos of my old engine, so I made a blog post out of it. Click the photo below to see the set, if you like. The old girl is running rough so we’re going to see about fixing her up…

Categorized as Vehicles

Time Out

Had a fun mothers day over at Brian’s place until Dave acted up and we had to put him in timeout…

His boy Ethan was much better behaved.

Categorized as Family


I was waiting for my Reach For Rainbows kids at the Community Center today and noticed this vehicle backed in and taking up two spots. I took this shot from the passenger steps of my bus and that’s not the rear window, that’s the front, and if you look closely you can see a guy passed out in the drivers seat. Pretty classy!

And, he was in front of the steps so the kids had to walk by him…

Categorized as The Bus


Steph’s grand-daughter Lily eating a burrito. Her Mexican ancestors would be proud.

Her other grand-daughter Cora is a much better eater…

Categorized as Family

My Diet

My daily diet has been evolving and I thought I would recap it here. Breakfast is critical for me, I need something to wrap my herbs around so it coats my stomach, otherwise the cayenne hurts. I’ve been making oatmeal but after some research I realize it’s a carb and not the best.

So, I’ve come up with a new creation, finely diced red cabbage and beets. I boil half a cup of water, pour in one cup of the mix and boil at medium for one minute, then cover and set aside while I finish blending my herbs. I then add a half cup of organic flaxseed meal which thickens the mix and top it off with a sliced banana. I eat half of it (quite delicious I might add), drink my herbs, and then eat the rest. Breakfast, done!

My mid-morning meal is just as religious. Around 1000 a have time to park my bus at Broulims and grab my fruit. It’s a fine ritual where I carefully select the orange, banana and avocado that jump out at me screaming choose me! If they pass my squeeze test I nestle them in my arms and buy them. Once back on my bus I lower a seat for a table and eat them. Brunch, done!

For lunch I go home and fix up a little protein, often just white albacore and boiled egg or sometimes I’ll fry some eggs (organic free range of course). To wash it down I use organic probiotic yogurt blended with whey protein powder. Lunch, done!

Dinner I share with Steph, especially since she does the cooking. It’s always well-rounded: salad, a vegetable and a little meat. She frequently cooks up one of those outrageously expensive free-range organic whole chickens and we get several meals from that. Dinner, done!

After everything settles down in my gut, I do my walk. I’ve come up with a technique that gets the most benefit from twenty minutes on the treadmill. I warm up with five minutes at 30 and then grab a couple barbells and do another five. The weights add a tension to my whole upper-body as I walk and it’s a great workout. I then crank the speed up to 32, walk another five minutes, crank it up to 35 and finish out with another five. About every third day I do a full workout after that.

Add in some major coding explorations: Node, React and Next and note the absence of other things: (sugar, bread, alcohol and drugs of any sort) and that’s my life!

As I was buying my fruit the other day the cashier asked how I was doing. I gushed out “I turn 71 in July and I feel like I’m 25!” Pretty much sums it up I suppose…

Categorized as Me