My son Riley had a very influential teacher in elementary school (sadly I can’t remember his name). Riley dropped by and visited him one day, while in high school. The teacher recognized his love of cars, and recommended Wyotech as a career option.
Wyotech is the premiere trade school in the United States, which teaches people how to rebuild automobiles that have been damaged in accidents, back to original condition.
Riley chose this option and made an amazing journey down to Laramie, Wyoming after high school, mastered the Wyotech courses, and returned home to Kent, Washington. Considering how many college grads are unemployed, it was a great decision.
He has evolved into a skilled craftsman and is now working for one of the best autobody shops in Washington. Here is Riley’s latest project, a mangled Jeep, restored to new.
This career choice also allowed him to achieve his dream of buying a great house with a nice big shop, to work on his vehicles. Not bad for a 24 year old! I’m a proud dad…