One of Piper’s and my favorite affectionate gestures is to nuzzle noses. I don’t realize how cute her little nose is until I get down in her space when she’s sleeping.
Category: Piper
Our cat
Pipes found herself a cozy little spot on the deck umbrella today. She was a bad girl last night, kept the daddy up past his bedtime waiting for her to come home from catting around. Shotgun was on my lap…
Mellow Baby
Piper and I both hate snow and love the sun. SouthWest, here we come…
Piper On Bags
I was getting ready tonight for my upcoming Spring Break jaunt and I threw some old travel bags into the corner of my closet. It’s amazing what cats find comfortable, and as I write this, she’s still there.
New Steps
Piper’s getting old, and she’s fat. Getting up on my bed at night, (and in the morning and in the afternoon) has been increasingly more difficult for her, so Steph bought her some Steps. I’ve been experimenting with other solutions but I think this is the one.
Usually I hear her jump from the treadmill to the bed at night, and one night I heard her crash-land on it, but I didn’t last night so I’m assuming she just walked up the steps.
Teenie Sardini
I walked into Ace Hardware today and found a small cat toy stuffed with catnip. When I presented it for purchase the counter girls asked “What is that”? When I told them it was a birthday present for my cat they both said “Ahhhh”, and points were made.
Piper loved it and of course I had to turn it into a work of art:
Piper watches me climb under the fluffy down blanket for a mid-day nap, so she does the same. Have I mentioned I really love my cat?
Tuesdays update: Back again, digging deeper…
On Her Chair
Piper has quite the morning routine. At 0400 with the moon shining bright through my bedroom window I hear that meow. If I ignore her she jumps up on my tall bed (which is getting harder for her every day) and walks over my body. She waits patiently while I do my stretch and prayers and then we head to the kitchen. Piper likes to walk (waddle) in front of me as if she’s leading me.
I start the coffee, turn on my computer, open the garage door and flash the driveway lights to scare off any large animals and out she scampers. When she comes back in she gets her gravy, her stomach massage, her back brushed, her treats, her lap time, and then off to bed on her chair where she sleeps the rest of the day.
Which strongly begs the question “Who’s got who trained“?
Rough Life
There’s a blizzard going down outside at the moment but Piper’s not bothered one bit.
Pink Puff Bed
Pretty Piper climbed up onto Stephs baby blanket project that was sprawled across the dining room table today. After a few kneads and a couple of shuffles she settled on in.
Pipe Dreams
Last night I dreamed that I was in my bed sleeping when I heard Piper meowing softly from the floor beside my bed. I whispered to her come on up but she just kept making that sound. Then I woke up, in my bed, and Piper was snuggled up against me dreaming and making soft little meow sounds. Whew, complicated…
Ahhh, warm days, no predators, mom and dad inside just in case, so Piper can relax.
And stretch…
Piper Returns
Piper loves Summer as much as she hates Winter. She enjoys the long lazy days where she’ll go in and out several times a day if someone’s around to be her door bitch. Here she was returning from the back forty last night as the sun was going down.
As she comes back to the deck she likes to walk on the rocks, I don’t get that…
Watch Cat
This was the best day of the year so far here, around 70°. Piper took it upon herself to brace her back up against the dead hot-tub and guard the deck intently.
Or not…
Excuse Me?
Piper likes to hang out on my bed in the late afternoon and groom her private areas. When I open the door and peek in on her, she gives me this look. Priceless…