New Response

One of the most worn out phrases of human interaction is “How ya doin?” or simply “How are you?“. Come on folks, don’t you wish people would just stop saying this! How do you reply? One response I thought up, but have never had the gonads to apply was, “Well, I was fine but now that I’ve seen you, I’m really horny!” and I came up with a new one today, “It depends, do you know CPR?“.

The real questions are, why do I continue writing this blog, why do I continue writing code, Hank, why do you drink? Hank, why do you roll smoke? Why must you live out the songs that you wrote?

God, I don’t know. So many times I’ve considered blowing this thing up but it represents years of my life. The other day I couldn’t remember what the little gadgets were that I used to separate the ribs in my crockpot, so I searched on my blog. (here)

A seriously maintained blog, like mine, has value, and I will somehow continue through the fog of my doubt, to speak to you… Thank you for listening!

Categorized as Various


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