
Around mid-December, I got a registered letter from a natural gas company in Oklahoma. They told me that my dad, who died in 1989, had some money sitting around that they wanted to get to his heir, and off their books.

Really? So we got in touch, I verified who I was, and they said they would cut me a check as soon as I returned the form contained in the registered letter. I was cool, I didn’t ask how much the amount was, but we’re talking natural gas royalties here!

I didn’t want to waste any time since Xmas was coming up so I went to my local Fed-Ex and overnighted the form directly to the agents desk at 1000 the next morning, and it cost me $44.71 to do it.

Meanwhile, as the year came to an end this last weekend, another registered letter arrived and visions of big money were dancing in my head. This morning I walked into the Driggs PO to get my check, took it out to my bus, and opened it.

The check amount was, wait for it…, $44.27. Which means that after the $44.71 to overnight the form, I ended up $.44 cents in the hole!

Sheesh :-)

Categorized as Various

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