
I had a new customer today, a little old lady that lives off of Stateline Road on the Wyoming side. When she called in the ride, dispatch told her she needs to walk across the road so that we pick her up in Idaho, for insurance purposes. No problem she said…

The pickup was for 1220 and she was going to physical therapy in Driggs. The address was a 3800N number so I figured it would be somewhere between 2500N and 5000N. I arrived at Stateline around noon and pulled over to spin my wheels for a minute, taking the shot below. I didn’t want to rush her.

As I drove down the road I noticed the numbers weren’t following the normal Idaho conventions. When I reached that infamous portion of Stateline that has no bridge over an impassable creek, I said “Oh darn“, or something to that effect.

I ended up having to jog west 5 miles to Hwy 33, north to Hatches Corner and then several more miles east to get back to Stateline on 6000N. With my dispatcher on the phone with her to guide me in, we connected way out in the sticks and the little old lady made her appointment on time. Thanks V!

Categorized as The Bus

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