Spiritual Connection

These are the others items remaining in the box: two of my grandmother King’s God’s Minute, one much older than the other with little notes scattered within the pages, a small bible that belonged to me when I was about 5 years old, the large flag from my grandfather Kings military burial and my daughter Becky’s Easter hat.

I am a spiritual, yet not religious man, so the Christian artifacts have no meaning to me other than they were important to my grandmother, who helped raise me. My grandfather’s flag I waved proudly on 9/11. My daughters hat represents a sad failure and combined with a teddy bear I can’t remember cuddling, the box sums up my past.

I also know I have an amazing guardian angel who has saved my life so many times and perhaps these items hold the key to that spiritual connection…

Update: I just kissed and hugged my teddy bear as I put them all back in the box, and I think I remember…

Categorized as Family


  1. I must have missed that post with the great-granddaughters pictures or didn’t realize it was Christopher. Where did the time go? The girls are so cute. Wow, you’re a great grandfather before I’m a great grandma.

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