Valentine BS

Ah, here we go, another manufactured holiday being jammed down our throat just to sell candy, cards, flowers and jewelry. If you’re in a relationship and you don’t buy into it you’re an asshole that should be banned to the couch for a month.

Today I heard a radio ad for roses that screamed buy them now claiming the price will double next week! That’s just plain extortion. Oh, and if you don’t go to Jared’s you’re a cheap bastard and every kiss begins with Kay’s. Really?

They always back these holidays up with a legendary character like saint valentine or saint nick. I’m just so fed up with this manipulation of America. Fahck you retailers, and Suhck my saint dick! (I can use those words because I created them :-)

On that note, I’ll be handing out Valentine gifts to my riders next week. Not because I have to but because my kids expect it, and Steph created them. I’m discovering that as I get older, bullshit becomes more obvious, and my attitude dissolves into pissed-offness.

Categorized as Various


  1. Sad to see what a entitlement society we have become. I remember being taught to be grateful of what we received and thanking the people we received it from. Sad state of the world now a days. But I know there are people and parents that ARE teaching their kids some gratitude.. And I am grateful for my friends like you.

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