
It’s really good to be alive! I think I’m going to be really bummed when I’m not. Perhaps, who knows. This morning I was parked next to Broulims for a brief moment when this object caught my eye.

I rolled down the window and as the frigid air came blasting in I admired its beauty and simplicity. Obviously left there from the previous day by some little kid who had blown their bubbles and had no more use for the container. Too small to be noticed by anybody, it sat there all night just waiting for me to photograph it.

It was still there at 1115 as I loaded a wheelchair client from that exact spot. In honor of still being alive, and because I can, I’ve created a new website tonight called Suhck.com!

Categorized as The Bus

1 comment

  1. I like bubbles. Tori and I have made billions of them. Plus she had a bubble machine that made so many bubbles she couldn’t catch them all or run them down. We love bubbles.

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