The Tip

As the little old lady going to senior meals boarded the bus today she reached into her coat pocket to retrieve my tip. Normally it’s a Tootsie Roll but this time it was a small candy, a cookie, and a mostly consumed piece of black licorice. I tried to politely decline but she insisted. I did have to draw the line at the used tissue that accompanied the tip out of her pocket.

I asked her how old she was and she said 95. (Yea, I know, but old people don’t mind telling you their age.) I’ve been driving this lady for going on seven years now and I’ve watched her faculties decline, but she’s not giving in to it. She’s a proud matriarch of the Valley, still living in and maintaining her own house.

And she’s a great tipper! (It was mighty tasty ;-)

Categorized as The Bus

1 comment

  1. We old people do have a way of not letting you off the hook. When you do good for someone Jim you know they appreciate your service. You’re a great driver.

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