Last night I camped next to a sadomasochistic meth head who called himself Starsky. I was sitting at my truck office creating the daily post and I watched his bizarre antics as he danced around his truck full of stuff.
Shortly after I clicked the Publish button he came over and asked me if I had any drinking water. I gave him a bottle and told him I’d just dumped two beers in the garbage (no alcohol allowed in the park) and he could dig them out if he wanted. He said no, that wasn’t his vice and besides, he was already high as a kite. I asked him on what and his voice lowered slightly as he muttered the word “Meth”.
I ended up visiting with him for the next hour as he told me his life story, gave me a tour of his truck of stuff, showed me his nipple binding tools, his stash of bondage porn and his Obama phone. I guess I’m just easy to talk to as he also shared that he’d been up for three days and used needles to get the meth into his body.
We tend to think of meth heads as miserable people but this guy seemed genuinely happy, in a mentally deranged way. Suddenly he jumped in his truck and was gone!
The photos are disturbing, even after I cleaned up the set, but if you wish to get a glimpse into the life of this character, click the picture below to open the photoset.
Or watch the SlideShow, or just move on…
btw: That strap around his neck was connected to two steel balls inside his…
Sounds like you had a ifey night. That would have scared me. Meth is so unforgiving you never know what the user is going to do. I loved the slide show. Sorry you didn’t bring home any fish. I was so looking forward to a fish fry nothing better than a fresh fish being fried up always out side to save the house from the smell. On a camp fire is really nice. Oh well another time.
Alright, let’s face it, either I’m a rotten fisherman or I’m terrible at picking places to fish, or probably both. But, I’m really good at picking entertaining (but dangerous) camp sites!
What a life, how could you be so close to him, I would be so scared. I’m a wimp, you are good to talk to him but I would of ran or drove away so he wouldn’t of seen you go!