
Steph called me over to our front door yesterday and as I walked out on the porch I saw a surreal sight. There were two large objects out in the field. One was on the ground, motionless. That would be Piper hunting voles. The other object was directly above her at the top of a tree. It was a very large bird, hunting Piper.

I’m assuming it was sizing up it’s options. Stories abound about small dogs being snatched but Piper weighs more than ten pounds. The bird would also have to take her out quickly or feel the wrath of some really bad ass claws (trust me, I know about those). I gave Piper my special come here kitty call and she just rolled over on her back in the dirt. Did I mention surreal? I don’t think she knew it was up there, watching her.

The predator spotted me and lifted itself gracefully into the air and split. I love birds like this unless their hunting my cat. This one was very big, eagle sized at least. I didn’t have my glasses on so I don’t honestly know the species.

So, besides wolves, coyotes and mountain lions, I need to add attacks from the air to my Piper worry list…

Categorized as Piper

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