Toyed Up

This is known as japp (just another piper post). It occurs when I never leave my office because I’m writing code, and Piper want’s to play.

She has lots of toys in here, and she loves to sit on my paperwork and get wrapped up in them. This is one of her favorite spots in the house…

Categorized as Piper

Pipers New Bed

Piper has her Pad on the couch in the living room, and a new cat bed on the couch in the family room, but where does she hang out the most? Our bed of course…

She sleeps with us now, and is well behaved in this regard. Stays at the end of the bed, between our feet. If she was crawling around our heads, that would be different.

See those electric blanket wires? This is the warmest place in the house at night.

Categorized as Piper

Cat Puzzle

Here’s Steph’s latest puzzle, created on the living room coffee table. What the heck! Where did Piper come from? This darn cat is messing with my blog…

Categorized as House, Piper

Pipers Pad

Our house gets really cold at night. In the dead of winter, temps can drop near -40F.
We don’t use our propane to keep the main house warm at night, but now we have a cat.

The last couple of weeks Pipers been allowed to sleep at the foot of our heated bed.
She’s actually a very good bed sleeper, but I needed to find another option.

So I found this very cool heated pad on Amazon that turns on when she lays on it, and turns off when she leaves. It heats up to the vet recommended temp of 102 degrees.

She loves it! And, she owns that couch in the living room, we use the family room couch.

Update: Notice that arc thing over her nose? At first I thought it was just a photographic nuance, but no, looking at her face here in person, it’s there! Funny I’d never noticed…

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Categorized as Piper

Piper Deck

Our little princess Piper, lounging around on our deck.
Isn’t she a sweetheart!
A real laid back kitty cat…
I think she’s about ready to crash.
Hmmm, maybe not.
Uh-oh, I know this look. My hand is in trouble.
Fangs and claws. She loves me, really. Owwww…
Yea, the deck is shot. Four feet of snow for six months out of the year takes it’s toll.

Next spring, new deck!

SlideShow (Piper Deck)

Categorized as Piper


Our baby: Queen of the house, guardian of the yard, and don’t you dare mess with her…

Piper was an abandoned kitten, rescued at one week old by a girl named Megan. She was bottle fed, fixed and tagged, and grew to be a great cat.

Categorized as Piper


Piper is waiting patiently for her next rodent victim to appear.
Spotted! She begins to stealthily approach her prey.
Ooops… Looks like a quick potty break is needed in the big litter box.
Now the lioness is ready to hunt!
If she doesn’t fall asleep first…
I guess the hunt is over. She’s coming back home to eat.
But wait! Nourished and rested, she’s back at it, with a mole in scent.
Now she’s on it, if that mole dares to take her on, he’s toast.
I love having a hunting cat around, the moles ruin our ground.

Update: Steph said the most recent kill had a pointy nose, so all references to voles have been changed to moles. I guess we have both around here…

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Categorized as Piper

Blue Snooze

Piper came into my office last night to watch the premiere of Blue Bloods.

Just not a Tom Selleck fan I guess…

Categorized as Piper

Litter Box

This is really too funny. We have a planter thing in the back that we attempted to grow some vegetables in, a couple of years ago. Small grasshoppers came thru the mesh and ate everything, so we don’t use it now.

The other day we realized that Piper is using it as her outdoor litter box! She prefers it to her indoor one. In fact, she bugs me every morning to let her outside, to use the big box.

I don’t let her out until it gets light now, because she was jumped by something in the dark a while back. I suspect it was a coyote. She’s alright, but it shook her up pretty bad.

Categorized as Piper

Piper Photo Shoot

The permanent cat was lounging around in the grass today, so I grabbed my camera and said “Give me some shots for the blog, Piper!“.

She must be a model reincarnated, as she rolled over and started making cat eyes.

SlideShow (Piper Photo Shoot)
Categorized as Piper

The Hunter Cat

Piper has a great sense of smell. She uses her nose everywhere, especially outside.

I love this hunting cat! Here she is checking out the entrance to the underside of our porch, a known hangout for our winter rodents.

Categorized as Piper


Piper is not a lap cat. She will stretch out on the floor for a good back rub, but just doesn’t want to cuddle, on my lap anyway.

This afternoon she slid up on the couch for some Steph rub. Must be a female thing :-)

Categorized as House, Piper

Piper, The Video

Piper is a terrific, sweet cat! She hangs out with dignity, doesn’t walk around crying, like some cat’s I’ve known, and loves to be petted.

She also has reflexes like a cat :-) and can kill rodents. So here’s a video of our new baby:

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Categorized as Piper

The Permanent Cat

Looking back on the temporary cat’s first appearance at the sliding glass door, I realize she was presenting herself to us. She sat up proud and straight, like an Egyptian princess.

What did I do? Chase her off the deck because baby Robins were on the ground. I still feel bad…

But she didn’t go, she got to the end of the deck and stopped. It was like “I just gave myself to you, and I’m not leaving” and she ran back past me and dove down under the deck. It took me a day to get her out. The rain soaking her between the boards finally convinced her. As she came in the house, she surrendered herself to me on her back, so I could dry her off with paper towels.

I’ve always thought it was the humans role to pick a pet, but I sure was wrong. Everything has conspired towards this cat being in our lives. She chose us, and her owner Megan just gave her to us today.

Welcome Piper!

  The Temporary Cat Chronicles:

  • Sweet Cat (6/18/11)
  • Fat Cat (6/26/11)
  • The Sign Worked (6/27/11)
  • Piper Gate (6/28/11)

Note: She’s also proved to be a great hunter. We found a very dead vole in the yard recently, and Steph saw her kill a mouse yesterday. Piper suffered a puncture wound from the vole, but has healed nicely, thank you…

Categorized as Piper

Lazy Sunday

I think the Temporary Cat is pretty comfortable here.

It is a nice quiet Sunday…

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Categorized as House, Piper