Site Tips

I thought it was about time to put together a little write-up about this site. There are some tips and tricks and a few things you may not know…

  • Double-click your mouse's left button anywhere in the white space and the page will move back up to the top. This is not a normal blog feature, I wrote the code for it. To try it out, scroll down a bit and double-click some white space :-)
  • Check out the Whats new? box under the barcode on your right (which is real by the way) to see if any new things are happening here on the blog. Hover over the subject for the context.
  • The two Search boxes on the right perform different functions:
    • Private allows you to perform a Google search through a proxy service without being tracked by Google or their affiliates.
    • Search allows you to search through all of my posts here that contain a particular word or phrase.
    • Just focus your cursor in either box, type what your looking for and click the appropriate button. (or press Enter...)
  • Functions all stay within the context of this page, which means they open up just like an individual blog post or a menu item does. Hover your mouse over the function to see what it does.
  • Links open in a new tab and give you access to the content here, in a much more powerful way.
  • Tools are stand-alone programs that I've developed over the past few years. I encourage you to try them out!
  • The Reusable Tab is a new browser tab I open up for most things. Instead of closing it to get back to the Blog just leave it open and I'll reuse it.

Categorized as Site Stuff


  1. I use the double click feature all the time. I even try to use it on other websites and get really frustrated when it doesn’t work :-) I think everyone should click on Transpology, this is a great program

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