
I’ve been driving in blinding snow for days. I had to tell a ski bum with a crushed leg that I couldn’t make it to his door. I can’t deal with my hands, they don’t seem to work well, except on my keyboard. Not inspired! Quality of life index at an all time low, just staying alive…

But, wait! A realization has occurred that I am my own man. I maintain my home and my two vehicles well. I do what I want to do, when I want to do it! I answer to nobody and I don’t worry about anyone other than myself, and my cat Piper.

I am free, and I’m really beginning to like it! If you give a man his total space, it’s hard to take it back…

Categorized as House


  1. Unfortunately, I am beginning a 10-day cleanse tomorrow (Tuesday) and so will have to raincheck the huevos for a couple of weeks….how about that????!

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