Kids and Tonks

Busy day today and about 1430 I thought “Well, all I’ve got left is Kids and Tonks“. The phrase cracked me up and I realized: blog post!

Kids refers to my Community School run from Victor to Driggs at 1500, and then I needed to pick up this really old guy named Cleon Tonks at the clinic.

Cleon has been in the Valley forever. When he showed up on our schedule my fellow driver, a Valley native herself, said “He’s still alive?” As I was walking him to the bus I tried to find out how long he’d been here. It must have been his bad ear because all he talked about was the weather, diesel fuel and tractors. He didn’t hear a word… :-)

Categorized as The Bus


  1. I have waved at you about 15 times in the past month and you never even see me! Hey, remember me, I’m the one driving the red Subaru with the “Thank You Jerry” bumper sticker who is simultaneously waving and singing!!

    ps – my taste buds are returning – maybe a raincheck on the Huevos soon???

  2. Ha! I get so many comments from locals, about me not noticing them waving! I’m terrible at this. I focus on my driving, not the people in the cars. I wish I could be better at this… Here’s an upright index finger to you my friend, breakfast soon!

    btw: who’s Jerry?

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