The Omen

An interesting light appeared in the corner of my office yesterday (9/11). I’m really into visual and numerical occurrences lately. I think they are the method by which spirits communicate with us.

I often awake at 4:44 and glance at the clock. Today I bought bread, a water, and a power bar at the store. The tab came to $4.44.

A couple of years ago I was awoke by three very loud knocks, somewhere in the house, at 4:44. Nobody was there. This number has numerological and spiritual significance, but I haven’t figured out yet, how it applies to me. I think my grand-father may be behind this whole thing.

The light looks like a hand, pointing at the painting of a smoking cowboy. I forgot that painting was back there, as it’s blocked by my TV. Very interesting, as smoking pretty much killed off my family.

I smoked, for a long time, before I shook Riley’s hand 15 years ago and agreed to quit if he never started. Best deal I ever made!

I tracked the light source down to the sunset bouncing off a mirror in the living room.

Categorized as House


  1. 8:08 is my recurring number – I think it’s just the universe’s way of letting us know it’s paying attention to us :) And, in some versions of numerology, 666 is very lucky. I also recently heard that Biblical scholars are looking into that number as the papyrus on which the “mark of the devil” stuff is written is distorted right where the number is given. Turns out, the big bad number might be 686……then what would we do???? :)

  2. I wrote a numerology program in C+ for a client, many years ago. Based on birth name and date of birth, it cranked out 6 numbers of numerological significance, and then compared them to a database of famous people.

    I remember literally falling out my chair when my own 6 numbers matched up exactly with Vincent van Gogh.

    Two things here: The odds against matching anyone’s numbers are astronomical, and I was fascinated by Vincent growing up. I read a lot of books about him and studied his art.

    Go figure :-)

  3. Yea it is, and I wonder if my buddy Carol is going to wade this deep into this post, to realize that the picture in my About page, is really Vincent van Gogh. She’s still trying to figure out who Bob is. :-)

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