April Sunday

We just caught a pretty nice day around here and it forced me away from code. I grabbed my Echo, my cat, and a cocktail and headed for the deck. Alexa really belts it out when I ask so I was dancing half naked under the sun today.

I also wrote a great program this morning that consolidates all of my JimsMap projects, and Steph liked it so much I created a new domain for her: stephsmap.com so she can maintain her Suburban customer accounts, with location mapping.

I even added some base code to emulate hover, by pressing down and holding for a second, for my mobile tablet users.

Categorized as House


  1. Hah! This is our kitchen window and the two artifacts are some cleaning thing sitting on the sill by the sink and the phone is accross the room on the counter. Although, having a phone for a heart could come in handy I suppose.

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