
This evening is the appropriate time to introduce my latest project. It’s a subset of JimsMap which itself has been under development for quite a while now.

DriggsMap is a proof of concept showing that an informational map can be localized, given a unique domain name and use JimsMap as it’s code base entirely. Enhancements made to the base are reflected on down to each sub-app.

The structure is based on a unique Google spreadsheet created in the cloud for each app, containing worksheets (categories) that are dynamically created by you, which you can then add Places to. The concept is to create an overlay on a Google Map that provides a visitor to the site visual clues to the location of a business, along with an address, phone number and a link if available.

I invite you to drop on in, look around, and see if you can get it…

Documentation is sparse at the moment, but underway :-)

Categorized as Site Stuff


  1. The only thing my iPad shows are the pull out boxes and a red dot on the bottom right of a totally blank area, but no map. Is that because the documentation is sparse?

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