
Ah, the trickle down effect of unintended consequences. Local man gets DUI, loses drivers license and racks up 60 hours of community service. The guy lives out in the sticks so he has to use public transportation to fulfill his service at a local business that opens at 0700. Do you see where this is headed?

I have a very structured morning. I get up at 0500, drink my coffee, check my mail and read the news, until 0600. Steph gets up and we spend the next hour taking care of business, letting Piper in and out, eating and showering. We both leave the house at 0710 and arrive at our jobs at 0720.

Now, back to the story. Yep, guess who now gets to pick up the good old boy out in the dark sticks at 0630 three days a week! That means I have to leave the house at 0545 to make that happen, and needless to say, I don’t do it in my pajamas.

My nice little structured morning is now totally out of whack. So much so, that I haven’t even figured it out yet. Oh well, enough whining… Wait, the kicker! He’s a senior so he rides for free :-)

Categorized as The Bus


  1. Thank God for wonderful people like you Jim. Other wise he would be out there driving those three days. I give you my thanks right now good man. Now to hope this post for me.

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