Sleep Over

Our niece Anika is spending the night with us. Actually, all she had to do is walk down the road about a hundred yards, and she was here. She came with three large bags of stuff that I’m sure are critical to a successful sleepover.

The last time Annie was in the house she mentioned in passing that she would like to have her own blog. A lot of things slide past this old brain of mine, never to be recalled, but simple statements like this sometimes plant a dagger in my head…

So, this morning I purchased Anikas Blog ( and installed a complete WordPress blogging application on it. I’m not sure where this is headed but I sure wish I had a blog at her age, and an internet connection…

Categorized as Family


  1. Hey, I’m good! I have an office, a super fast computer with a fast internet connection, and a project. Besides, I like Annie, she’s one of my bus kids, and she’s family :-)

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