Iraqi Snowman

Steph and I were nestled down for our long winter nap when we were suddenly awakened around 0330 by the sound of something falling. My first thought was that Piper had rolled over on our bed and fallen off. I instinctively moved my hand to the l.k.p.p. (last known piper position) which was: snuggled up against my left hip with the covers half way over her. Thankfully my hand came to rest on her head. We have a high bed and the poor baby could hurt herself if she landed wrong while half asleep!

Or maybe I worry to much… Anyway, I got out of bed and wandered around the cold house buck naked for a few minutes to make sure it was secure, and it was. Steph discovered the source of the noise later on in the morning when she pulled back the shower curtain and my bottle of shampoo that I keep upside down so it pours easier was laying on the bottom of the tub. Must have been a small tremor.

What does a photo of an Iraqi snowman that I took this morning have anything to do with this post? Probably nothing :-)

Categorized as House

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