Full Bus

I had seven Community Schools kids and six Victor Elementary kids on my twelve-seater bus this afternoon, for the ride down to Driggs. The regular school kids all go to gymnastics and fortunately two of them are pretty small and they were quite willing to share a seat and a seatbelt. Whew… There was only one problem, the cute young Com School girl directly behind me, had gas.

She let one loose as we were leaving her school and another shortly after we left the Elementary school. OMG, how can one little kid foul the vehicle air so bad? I fixed the situation by rolling my window down and cranking the heat up so we all wouldn’t freeze.

Now, here’s the interesting point: Not one of the kids said a word as I blasted the gas from a kid in the front to the kids in the back. Their energy was high and several conversations were happening at once so I guess it didn’t matter. Fascinating…

Categorized as The Bus


  1. I’ve got Febreze on the bus but I wasn’t going to use it with a bus load of kids :-), besides, I was picking up the gang next and they’re right at home with that…

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