I put a post up on Craigslist/Rideshare yesterday indicating I was heading West this morning with a stop in Boise. A guy named Chad wanted me to call him urgently but didn’t included his phone number. Sorry Chad, not sending you mine :-) A girl in Rexburg said she needed to get some tripods from Rexburg to her grand-daddy in Boise. I told her to meet me at the Walmart at 0815. One other offer came from a couple with a name that sounded from India needing a ride to Boise. I emailed back that my little extended cab has one passenger seat with a fold down behind and if they’re small people they can take turns. Told them to meet me at 0815 at Walmart.
I arrived at 0815, nobody there. The phone rang and it was grand-daddy in Boise, an old guy, older than me. We agreed to set up a meet as I approached Boise and shortly after the girls husband showed up with the stuff (two wooden tripods and a mysterious plastic box). I shook the guys hand and thanked him for trusting my integrity. The couple never showed up, and I hit the Oregon Trail.
The transfer went off without a hitch in a Boise Target parking lot and I made $25. Hey, I do drive for a living! I’m currently hunkered down in a roadside motel, planning tomorrows adventure…
Update: I mosied over to a local happy hour and had four hard baked potato skins stuffed with pulled pork, cheese and sour cream, for $2.50. Dinner!
They were! and cheap. I tipped the bartender more than dinner cost me :-)