Watching NCIS Los Angeles tonight on CBS and they’re interrogating an asian guy who’s an undercover agent for them but they think he went bad. He proceeds to say that he grew up at the base of the Grand Tetons in Driggs, Idaho.

Are you kidding me! How did our little town make it into the narrative of a popular show like this? Wait a minute, now it’s determined he wasn’t born in Idaho, it was a lie. The show is still going on and this is your live update.

Driggs, Idaho. Really… I knew it was a lie because I can count my asian neighbors on one hand, and they all moved here :-)

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  1. Hi, Jim,
    I watched the show, too! I was excited when he said he was from Driggs, Idaho! But then……then he said ….right near the Grand Teton. Not Grand Tetons. Sounded so wrong!

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