Steering View

I attached the GoPro Hero3+ to the top of my buses steering wheel today before driving to Victor. It was non-intrusive to the driving experience because there was no video coming out the back to distract me. The video preview, along with all the visual controls, were on my smartphone, which was sitting off to the side in my cup holder. All I had to do was reach over and press the red record dot, and take off.

This created a very interesting video effect as the line-of-sight constantly changed as I steered the bus down the road:

Speaking of cup holders, I was able to put a standard size Basin Travel coffee cup in the hole this morning. Yea!

An Amazon shipment arrives shortly with some more cool adapters, including a head strap that’s going to wrap around my Tilly Hat. I’m thinking the local brothel might make a good walk around, or maybe Broulims…

Categorized as The Bus


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