Sunday Mush

I’m going to throw things I’m working on up here to the blog wall and see what sticks, updating it during the day with new content as it rolls off the old creative block.

As a testament to the proclivity of my blog, I get bombarded daily with spam comments from around the world. I have to filter them out individually from the occasional real comment (or in the case of Betty, frequent comment :-)

Yesterday set a record with 660 spam comments. I could turn the Comment feature off I suppose, but I won’t. I value every meaningful contribution to my blog!

Steph spotted this bird in the front yard this morning and I took this shot through the window. It’s a good sized bird, maybe a young hawk…

Here are my latest short clips:

Categorized as House


  1. Or we could get a goat. But, with our winters it would have to stay inside, on Steph’s side of the bed of course.

    Actually, we have a mower and a lawn care professional (named Steph :-) so Pipers contributions are minimal at best.

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