Our Skunk

We had a skunk enter our garage this morning. We couldn’t find it and assumed it had left before we shut the garage door and went on with our day.

I returned mid-afternoon and nothing came scampering out when I opened the door so I spent the afternoon in the garage assembling my fishing tackle. After dinner Steph found some skunk poop and I cleaned it up. Later, she went to move the lawn mower in the garage and discovered that the skunk was alive and hiding underneath it.

I hooked the pressure washer up to the hose as Steph slowly pushed the lawn mower out into the driveway. On my mark she pulled the mower over backwards and I aimed the stream at the skunk as it came rushing out. It was a pretty good sized animal and took off through the trees and into our back forty.

Bottom line: It spent all day in our garage, I was within 6 feet of it for more than an hour, and it never sprayed…

And yes, that’s skunk shit…

Categorized as House


  1. I’ve never heard of a case of rabies up here, but if you note Carols comment below you’ll see that I’m too nice to get bit, much less sprayed…

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