
Last Friday two punk dogs came on our property and chased Piper up a tree. One of them growled at Steph and as I came out of the house yelling loudly they headed to the back field, and I chased after them. At one point the bigger dog stopped and I thought he was going to confront me.

I’m way too old to be intimidated by a dog and I was very pissed off. Sad to say that there is no headline in the local paper this week about “Man kills dog with bare hands” because they kept on going.

Then we had to get Piper down. She was way up one of our thinner leafless trees, about 15 feet. I climbed up to her and Steph got the ladder. It’s a tribute to how much she trusts us when she allowed me to pluck her from a branch and hand her off to Steph.

The really sad thing about this is that Piper is very traumatized now. She used to sit in the field for hours waiting for a vole to pop it’s head up. Now she knows the field is not safe. If she was there when the dogs came she wouldn’t have had an escape route.

As a result she doesn’t go outside much now and stays close to the house when she does. I know this girl very well and this event has definitely affected her.

This is Steph’s old jewelry box located in the furthest part of the house, up against the corner of our bedroom. There’s nothing behind her but wall here, on both sides…

Categorized as Piper

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