Death By Plastic

Steph picked up this piece of plastic off the kitchen window sill this evening and said “What’s This?” Then she proceeded to drop it into the sink. “I think it went in the garbage disposal!” she said, and I replied, “You dropped today’s blog post down the drain???” After she frantically dug her hand down in the disposal for a while, we found it laying in a corner of the sink. So here’s the story…

I was making an egg sandwich for lunch today with my last two organic brown eggs and some fine 100% whole wheat bread. I ground some fresh pepper onto the eggs when something snapped and a bunch of black peppercorns landed in the pan.

Did I mention they were my last two eggs? Anyway, I picked a bunch out and proceeded to make my sandwich. I chewed each bite slowly and was carefully extracting the peppercorns from my mouth, when I encountered this plastic piece of intestinal death!

This was the reason that the peppercorns escaped from the bottom of the grinder. If I’d swallowed this thing I hate to think of the havoc it would have wrecked as it worked it’s way through my very delicate internal system!

Categorized as House


  1. Good catch. Glad you got that thing out of your mouth. What an ugly piece of plastic. You know you have to eat those last two eggs. Hope that was the only piece that made it’s way into the pan.

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