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Just Visiting

Looks like we had a visitor in the night, probably looking for a little pussy but I kept Piper in due to the snow and the 10° temperature this morning. A fresh dusting of snow works for spotting visitors but a motion activated video camera would be able to determine between a neighbors dog or… Continue reading Just Visiting

Categorized as House


Steph convinced a local woman to switch her large propane account over to Steph’s new employer, Suburban Propane. Praises were coming in thick and heavy about the impressive propane setups over multiple properties, and the big switch. The phrase “blood is thicker than propane” was floated around thickly. Meanwhile, our unused second living room was… Continue reading Thick

Categorized as Family, Piper

First Nexus Photo

What an amazing convoluted process it took to get this photo onto my blog! Piper sitting at my feet here in the office demanding attention didn’t help… I took this photo about an hour ago with the N10. I ran it through Instagram, thus the red textures, and posted it to Flickr using it’s social… Continue reading First Nexus Photo

Categorized as Android

Sad Eyes

Piper established a routine last winter that involved laying on the paperwork in my office and playing with her toys. Here we go again! This seems to placate her need to hunt, but the sadness in her eyes is still evident… I picked her up into my arms today, opened the sliding glass door to… Continue reading Sad Eyes

Categorized as Piper


When I got home from work yesterday I discovered this electrical cord extending from the kitchen to the family room. Strange, since the only one home all day was Piper… Very puzzling! So is the little thing I whipped up below. Drag and drop the letters to solve it. Hint: It’s the name of a… Continue reading Connected

Categorized as Various

The Blur

Piper knows that winter is closing in around us like a white vice. Her carefree days of lounging in the sun, owning the yard and terrifying rodents pretty much ended today as the snow accumulated in the yard and on her deck. She remembers last winter where I used to play with her in my… Continue reading The Blur

Categorized as Piper

Bugging The Cat

Piper was laying out on the grass yesterday, soaking up rays and knowing that four feet of snow is going to be in that spot shortly. I had just finished eating fried chicken for dinner and then went out and messed with her. Notice how she keeps sniffing my hand :-)

Categorized as Piper

Hunter Cat

Piper wakes us just before sunrise by scratching her claws on the floor by the bed. She’s in an interesting mood that time of the morning. She doesn’t want any petting, or food, she just want’s to get outside in the dark and go hunting. The problem is, we live in wildlife country, where she… Continue reading Hunter Cat

Categorized as Piper

Close Ups

I’ve been testing out the Macro Mode on my little point-and-shoot and it’s not bad! You can see the cameras reflection in Pipers right eye (and the please let me sleep look). The remaining shots of the birdhouse, mushrooms and leaves were taken in the yard. I’ve also tweaked my image size parameters to match… Continue reading Close Ups

Categorized as House

Exit 58

We’re on our way to Cornucopia in Kent, WA. Exit 58 is a Rest Area off I90 West of Missoula, MT. with a sweet little camping area. It’s in the middle of the mountains and I can’t believe I have an internet connection, but I do. I’m also amazed that I inadvertently picked camping spot… Continue reading Exit 58

Categorized as Vacation 1

Bat Cave

Sitting around this evening without a Post, ready to embark on a new adventure tomorrow when suddenly Steph starts screeching from the deck! She comes running in to my office saying a large bat flew out from under our kitchen windowsill. Judging from the way she was holding her hands, it looked pretty big! I’ve… Continue reading Bat Cave

Categorized as House

Parade 2012

Our cat Piper was amazingly sweet this morning. Normally at 0515 she comes into the bedroom and scratches on the rug to inform us that she wants to exit the house and go hunt small animals in the field as the Sun comes up. I guess she wanted Steph to sleep in today because she… Continue reading Parade 2012

Categorized as The Valley

Pipes Under Jack

Piper was hiding from the sun today under Jack. Why is Jack in the backyard? No room at the Inn (three vehicles don’t fit in a two car garage…) As I was processing this video Steph came into my office ready to accuse me of watching porn. Hey, Piper and I spent a long winter… Continue reading Pipes Under Jack

Categorized as Jack, Piper

Deck Protector

Piper had to stay in all day yesterday, to keep her off the deck while it’s final stain dried. Poor kitty, she just didn’t understand why she couldn’t go out. As I woke up this morning I remembered some wire things that Steph had for a project so I gathered them up and made a… Continue reading Deck Protector

Categorized as House

Baby Robin

Despite Magpies, Ravens and a cat named Piper, we’ve raised another Robin family. They use the same tree every year and it’s the babies from the previous year that return to make new babies. I have this birds great-descendant somewhere on my hard-drive. The birds also have no fear of humans when they first leave… Continue reading Baby Robin

Categorized as House