Totality City

I would describe a vision as seeing something and then suddenly seeing something much more than what’s currently there. I had one of those yesterday as I was taking the gang back to Victor at the end of the day.

We were approaching 4000 and the boys were totally quiet. I was smiling inside as I watched the snow free ground roll by and images of my southern Arizona Spring Break with bikini-clad college girls were dancing in my brain. I suddenly remembered that this was the crossing point of the Eclipse and I looked further out to see what was around, and then I saw it, Totality City!

The 80 acre plot of barren farm land on my left suddenly transformed into a bustling mecca of neatly stacked motorhomes with out of state tourists here for the event. As I told one of the event guys in an email last night, it was like seeing Burning Man without the fire, and without the hippies I might add.

I saw a Fall River power line coming into the heart of it, a Silverstar wireless hotspot bathed it in communication, banks of porta potties lined the perimeter, with a special spot in the back for dumping motorhome shit.

Busses trolled up and down Hwy 33 taking people to Driggs and Victor for food and entertainment while tapping on my new app TetonPath for directions. Suddenly the valley turned dark at 11:35:12 on August 21 and the low rumble of human voices that had been building up as the sun and moon approached turned into a tremendous roar in Totality City as people stared at nature’s true majesty, in awe.

And a lot of folks fell in love with Teton Valley, at that moment…

Categorized as The Valley

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