I don’t know why I’m so obsessed with presenting information about places in the United States to the general public via my apps. I suppose it’s because I enjoy the experience of discovery and I want to share it. I also find great satisfaction from mastering the technique of extracting valuable information from publicly available API’s and presenting it to you, for your consumption however you wish.
My latest app, DahMap, is a reverse geocoder that provides information about any place that interests you. Type in a place and go. I’m also currently working on a fun little app that and gives you the official websites of every city and county in the U.S.
It’s currently functional within DahMap. Each place you select, or map position you click on, contains a county link, which opens the new app. It’s a whole lot of fun and you can discover city and county home pages you never knew existed.
Here are the links to the examples below: Los Angeles, and the related cities and California counties, are here.