
We’ve got a new garbage can! Thank god, the one we had was passed on by the previous owners 11 years ago and quite frankly, I didn’t like touching it. We also have a new disposal providor, a recycling company that’s been here for a few years that took the business away from our old guys.

There’s a lot of controversy going around about the politics of the takeover, but I don’t care. My bottom line is: We have a new can, the delivery day is the same and so is the cost. As far as loyalty to Voorhees, not once in the last eleven years have they contacted us and thanked us for being their customer and always paying our bill on time…

Although, I did have to call RAD yesterday. On my way home I spotted the RAD recycle trailer dropping plastic bottles all over Ski Hill road. They were apologetic and sent a crew out to clean it up. Hey, stuff happens… Rock on RAD!

Update: I emailed RAD to let them know I posted about them and got a very nice reply:

Jim, Thanks for the email and heads up on your blog post. I appreciate the honesty in the writing. Now, It's our job to do a great job for you and the rest of the community. You will definitely be getting a lot of appreciation from us! Sorry again for the plastic bottles and thanks for calling it in. David Hudacsko RAD Curbside Founder/Owner

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