Summer Is On

Today was my official last day before starting my summer vacation. I got talked into covering a Rexburg drivers vacation the last week in June and I’m covering three days in July so Karen can do a golf thing. Other than that, the summer is on.

I was thinking of traveling this weekend but this code drama I’ve had going on with oauth2 and Google spreadsheets has had me in limbo, and today I decided they can all go to hell. I’m switching my database away from Google Spreadsheets and rewriting my code to use MySQL. I’ve already created the database on my server and I’m going to hunker down over the next couple of days and get this shit fixed! Then I’ll travel…

In the meantime, enjoy my favorite band, Steely Dan:

btw: I have no idea what that error thing is, old code on my part, but it still plays well.

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