The Coat

I have a confession to make, sometimes I don’t know the names of the kids that I transport from the Community School in Victor to Barrels and Bins in Driggs. I know all of my regulars but sometimes a smiley little face climbs on board, checked off the list by teacher Melissa, and I assume if they don’t pay when they get on that I’ll get paid by the parent when I arrive.

Melissa told me yesterday that one little guy may have slipped through the system recently. His dad wanted to make sure he was dropping his two dollars into the farebox, and not spending it on candy later. She pointed the boy out and I told her yes, he had paid. It was only two minutes earlier, so I remembered.

As I was doing my post trip last night I looked in my lost and found box with disgust at the coat that’s been sitting there for almost a month. I grabbed it, threw it in the back of my truck, and drove home, not sure what I was going to do with it. Steph spotted the coat and went through the pockets, finding a $.94 cent receipt for candy, and one dollar.

And my old brain went, what? It looks like I may be able to reunite the coat with it’s little boy owner after all :-)

Update: The candy kid‘s dad pulled up to my window at the school and asked if his boy was putting money in the farebox, and I asked him about the coat. It’s not his! sigh…

Categorized as The Bus

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