
I’ve been hunkered down for a couple of days, writing code. My creativity has been hampered lately by the sad realization that hardly anybody uses the code that I write. So, I’ve taken a different approach with my previously uncoded domain,

Steph has been mentioning that her co-worker Dusty, the guy that drives the truck and delivers the propane, has been having a hard time finding new addresses around here. I relate since I’m the local bus driver and I’ve had the same problem since they messed up the county addresses a few years back!

My new program is now centered around Suburban Propane in Driggs, ID. The name Pehpsi fits perfectly since Steph is a Pepsi drinker and most every workday I drop a tall Pepsi from Basin Travel off to her around noon.

The input field accepts an address or a place and it’s not limited to this area. If you wish to play around with it, enter something and click the resulting marker…

Categorized as Site Stuff

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