Local Driving

As a professional driver who spends the day dealing with locals and tourists out on the road, I see it all. From the non-English speaking woman who was afraid to turn on a flashing yellow last week because she didn’t know what it meant, to the obvious texting person all over the road yesterday, to the brain dead woman I encountered today.

The roads were clear and dry heading south on Hwy 33 to Victor. I knew something was up as the line of traffic was doing 30 in a 55. One by one vehicles were passing the offending culprit up ahead. This is a dangerous two lane busy highway and everytime you’re forced into passing, you’re endangering everything.

Finally it was my turn. It was a small black sedan with local plates and I had a nice clear road ahead. I pulled up next to the vehicle to access the situation. A woman in her thirties, both hands on the wheel, staring straight ahead. Why was she doing 30 in a 55?

I then did something I never do, I laid on the horn! Her head turned my direction and her jaw dropped. It was a pathetic deer in the headlights look and all I can assume is, she must of been stoned, thinking she was really doing 55.

Driving on a busy highway like this is a responsibility everyone should take seriously. It pisses me off that so many people around here just don’t get it…

Categorized as The Bus

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