I Walk

Twenty years ago I gave myself a major gift when I turned fifty, I quit smoking. To pull it off I got rid of my car and started walking five miles to work every morning at 2am. Walking gives you the chance to solidify your intent as each step brings a bullet of fresh healing air into your body. Anyway, it worked, and here I am with lungs as pure as the driven snow off the Grand Teton.

A week ago Friday I woke up with an inspiration, it was time to give myself the next big gift as I turn seventy, quit drinking. It’s my last vice and it’s not my friend. The benefits to my overall health and quality of life would be immense and it’s the best thing I could give myself.

So, I started walking. For the last week I’ve been hunkered down, flushing my liver out with our well water, and walking up and down our road. This is day eight and I feel terrific! I’m meeting up with the boys (Brian and Dave) today and we’re heading to Green Canyon Hot Springs for a soak.

When I wake up on my birthday tomorrow I will have no vices. I take no medicine, consume no drugs, the only thing that enters my lungs is fresh mountain air, I eat healthy food, I take cayenne pepper, and I walk…

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