Victor Vintage Barn

There are hundreds of old barns in Teton County and I’ll probably put a bunch of old barn photos up, as the blog progresses.

This barn belongs to a sweet 91 year old lady that I transport 3 times a week. I’m not sure about the history of the barn, but she is a matriarch of the valley, so I’m assuming it’s been in her family for a few generations.

As we splashed through the multiple creeks flowing over Hwy 33, she said something that I’m beginning to hear a lot lately. “I’ve never seen this happen before.” Wow, this women has spent 91 years here, and this is a new event!

As a side note, last week I was bringing a young girl to Victor for dance lessons, along with my seniors. I heard the girl talking to my little old lady, and when the girl got off the bus she said “Bye Grandma”. Turns out, she’s a great-granddaughter!

Family runs very deep in this valley.

Categorized as The Valley

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